Make Meetings Work for YouOnly call a meeting if you (and your colleagues) are quite clear about its purpose. Once you are certain of your objective, ask yourself whether it could be better achieved through (19) means, such as a memo. Meetings called on a routine basis tend to (20) their point. It’s better to wait until a situation or problem requires a meeting. If in doubt, don’t waste time having one.If you’re sure a meeting is the solution, circulate a memo several days in advance (21) the time and place, objectives, issues to be discussed, other participants and preparation (22) Meetings should be held in the morning, if possible, when people are usually more (23) , and should last no more than an hour. Six is the (24) number of participants for a good working meeting. Inviting the whole department (more than 10) increases emotional undercurrents such as, "Will my (25) be taken seriously " Larger meetings can be productive as brainstorming (26) for ideas, provided participants can speak freely without feeling they will be judged.A successful meeting always leads to action. Decision should take up the (27) of the meeting minutes, including the name of the person delegated to each task, and a(n) (28) for its completion. Circulate the minutes after the meeting and again just before the next one.Draw out quieter members of the group. (29) helps create a relaxed and productive atmosphere. Do not (30) out any individual for personal criticism -- they will either silently (31) , upset and humiliated, or try to come up with excuses rather than focusing on the problems in (32) Save critical comments for a private occasion.If you’re talking for more than 50 per cent of the time, you’re (33) the meeting. 33()
A. destroying
B. dominating
C. manipulating
D. conquering
AAccess DatabasesThis seminar teaches you how to design and implement a smart user interface, giving you a robust, professional application with low maintenance and training requirements. A poorly designed and implanted interface can cause excessive support calls, data entry errors and user dissatisfaction. In this seminar you’ll learn how to do forms tight, you’ll learn the secrets of how expert Access developers use all of the power of the Access forms design tools and features to build applications users will love.BSQL Server 2000In this seminar, you’ll learn about the new features you can use in SQL Server 2000. You’ll explore the interface changes in Enterprise Manager. You’ll learn about the new relational database features. You’ll dig into the how and why of user-defined functions. You’ll learn how to run multiple instances of SQL Server on the same machine. After this seminar, you’ll be ready to take full advantage of the rich set of features available in SQL Server 2000.CStored Procedures BasicsIn this seminar, you’ll learn how to build robust and powerful stored procedures and how they are used to not only improve the performance of database applications, but to help protect critical data as well. You’ll learn about input and output parameters, and how to add error handling and transaction processing to the stored procedures that you build. After this seminar, you will understand the many benefits of stored procedures, and you will feel comfortable using them in the database applications you build.DActiveX AutomationLearn how to use ActiveX Automation, and you can communicate with and control all types of Automation-enabled products and components. This seminar teaches you to exchange data with and even run commands in other programs. You’ll learn how to set up an Automation-enabled application, and how to hook into Word, Outlook, and other products and components. You’ll learn how to use Office components to perform tasks such as creating reports, generating charts, and even doing E-mail. The focus of the seminar is the establishment of the products.()
Mrs Cooper’s Schedule for Next WeekMonday: visiting factoryTuesday: (9) __________________Wednesday: meeting in the morning, appointment with (10) __________________Thursday: at 10:30, meet with (11) __________________ in his office todiscuss next year’s (12) __________________ 11()
张某是某单位干部,一直单身,居住在流水街50号。1998年春节前后,张某因病去世,留下银行存款10万元,古董字画若干。张某所在的街道办事处认为,张某无继承人,未留下遗嘱,因此向区人民法院申请认定张某的财产为无主财产,区法院受理后,经审查核实,发出财产认领公告。因无人对张某的遗产主张权利,公告期满,区法院判决认定,张某的遗产为无主财产。半年后,从外地来了一年轻人,声称是张某的亲生儿子,经法院审查核实,该子系张某下放时与当地一妇女的私生子。根据上述案情,请回答下列各题: 遗产认定无主后,张某的儿子依法对财产提出请求,主张继承其父亲财产的,人民法院应当如何处理
A. 撤销原裁定
B. 作出新判决,撤销原判决
C. 作出新裁定
D. 驳回请求
赵运,男,云南省农民,于1996年对家里人声称外出打工,至今毫无消息。期间没有同家里联系过,也没有人见过他或与他有过联系。赵运自小父母双亡,由哥哥赵东抚养长大。于1990年与邻村女青年苗丽结婚,婚后有了两个孩子:赵强、赵壮,现在分别为10岁,9岁。根据上述案情,请回答以下问题: 申请宣告公民失踪与申请宣告公民死亡的关系:
A. 申请宣告公民失踪为申请宣告公民死亡的必经程序。如要申请宣告公民死亡,必先向法院申请该公民为失踪人
B. 申请宣告公民失踪不是申请宣告公民死亡的必经程序
C. 如果人民法院判决宣告公民失踪后,利害关系人向人民法院申请被宣告失踪人死亡的,宣告失踪的判决即是该公民失踪的证据
D. 如果人民法院判决宣告公民失踪后,利害关系人向人民法院申请被宣告失踪人死亡的,那么人民法院在审理中就不需重新发出寻找失踪人的公告