—I‘ve been told to pay the rent —But it‘s already been pai
A. It ______ by someone else
B. must be
C. may be
D. must be paid
E. must have been paid
_18_ his umbrella
A. set up
B. gave up
C. send up
D. picked up
and continued _19_ his way to the university
A. on
B. for
C. by
D. with
A. ①这种不良现象的产生往往是受狭隘..利益驱动的结果。 ②“边境有边,边贸无边”是对狭隘..地域观念的否定。
B. ①他似乎生性就很淡漠..,对周围的人和事好像从不在意。 ②刚刚有些淡漠..的卢嘉川的影子,竟又闯入了她的心头。
C. ①就是这样可怜..的要求,范素云一年也难能满足儿子几次。 ②他忙中出错当成抹布,可怜..的白围巾成了深灰色的破布。
D. ①我恍惚.. 觉得此刻不是身在新疆,而是在江南的什么地方。 ②他拖着铅一样沉重的脚步,神情恍惚..地回到自己的家中。
but there seemed to be no way of (8) out the answer
A. making
B. finding
C. turning
D. letting