
牙防小分队进驻某小学后,与校领导和卫生老师一起研究了口腔保健工作计划,准备开展工作 首先,大家统一了思想认识,一致认为学校保健的基本原则是()。

A. 营养与健康
B. 定期口腔检查
C. 预防牙外伤
D. 健康服务和健康教育
E. 预防传染病


老年人口腔保健受到乡政府的高度重见,请来口腔保健专家指导卫生院的工作。经过讨论研究,全乡1千多60岁以上老年人口腔保健的详细计划方案形成了 为掌握基线资料,首先对全乡60岁以上老年人进行口腔健康()。

A. 普查
B. 抽样调查
C. 预调查
D. 捷径调查
E. 分层调查

某校六年级(12岁年龄组)300名学生中恒牙有龋、失、补的人数为180人,未治龋齿数为328个,因龋失牙数为3个,因龋充填牙数为69个。 该年级学生的患龋率为()。

A. 64%
B. 62%
C. 60%
D. 58%
E. 56%

Sales promotion is the process of persuading a potential customer to buy the product. It can be part of the personal selling process. The main methods of sales promotion are: Money off coupons—customers receive coupons, or cut coupons out of newspapers or a products packaging that enables them to buy the product next time at a reduced price. Competitions—buying the product will allow the customer to take part in a chance to win a prize (e.g. Coca Cola ring pulls). Discount vouchers—a voucher (like a money off coupon). Free gifts—a free product when buy another product. Point of sales materials—e.g, posters, display stands—ways of presenting the product in its best way or showing the customer that the product is there. Loyalty cards—e.g. Nectar and Air Miles; where customers earn points for buying certain goods or shopping at certain retailers—that can later be exchanged for money, goods or other offers. Loyalty cards have recently become an important form of sales promotion. They encourage the customer to return to the retailer by giving them discounts based on the spending from a previous visit. Loyalty card can offset the discounts they offer by making more sales and persuading the customer to come back. They also provide information about the shopping habits of customers—where do they shop, when and what do they buy This is very valuable marketing research and can be used in the planning process for new and existing products. Which sales promotion form listed below gives customers discounts

A. Money-off coupons
B.Point of sales materials
D.Free gifts

Bushfire (山火) victims have reacted angrily after being told they must present identification to get Federal Government assistance, despite most having lost everything. An open letter published in a News Limited newspaper this morning questioned the ability of Centrelink, the government-appointed agency, to quickly distribute the payments of $1,000 per adult and $400 per child. News Ltd journalist Gary Hughes, who escaped the fires at St Andrews, said when he and others fronted Centrelink on Monday they were told there would be no financial help unless they could produce a driver’s license or bank statement. "What’s that meant to be, some cruel joke" Mr. Hughes wrote. "Losing everything means just that—everything. There are many like us who didn’t have time to calmly pause to collect wallets and purses as we fled our homes with wet towels over our faces to avoid choking (窒息) to death". Human Services Minster Joe Ludwig has apologized for the inconvenience and says all efforts are being made to ensure people get the help they need. "I don’t know the precise details but we are sorry if it did happen," Senator Ludwig said. "We have instructed Centrelink to take the lightest possible approach in confirming identity." He says while identification was helpful, a signature would be enough, adding that about 800 applicants for assistance had already received the money. In the eyes of the victims, the demand for the identification is ______.

A. inefficient
C. impractical
D. unnecessary
