某男性患者,30岁,不育,临床诊断为无精子症,染色体检查分析发现其核型为48, XXXY。请问该患者的体细胞内有
A. 3个X小体,1个Y 小体
B. 3个X小体,0个Y 小体
C. 2个X小体,1个Y小体
D. 2个X小体,0个Y小体
E. 1个X小体,1个Y 小体
A. 血常规检查
B. 尿常规检查
C. 基因诊断
D. 核型分析
E. 酶活性分析
A. 对
B. 错
Section ADirections:This section is to test your ability to give proper response.There are 5 recorded questionsin it.After each question,thereisa pause.The questions will readtwice.When you hear a question,you shoulddecide on the correctanswerfrom the4 choices markedA, B, C and D.Which one is the correct answer?
A. Yes, they are all handsome.
B. No, he isn’t
C. I’ma fan of MaLin.
D. Iusually play tennis.