如果要寻找适合一家人分享的美食,一定是火锅. 火锅在中国有1700多年的历史了.为了抵御寒冷,把切成薄片的羊肉放进锅中烫熟If you want to look for a nutritious meal to _____,you should choose hotpot, huo guo. Huo guo has a history of more than 1700 years in China. To ______, people pull lamb chops in the boiling pot and ate them.
真正精致的火锅对于食材的选择非常挑剔.每只羊身上只有五个部位可以切成肉片.调料由十几种佐料调配而成.每种佐料的比例是火锅店的商业机密Huo guo _____. Only five parts of a lamb should be used and cut into sheets for cooking. The sauce is ____ more than ten _____. The ingredients of the sauce are the ____ of hot pot.
火锅被全中国人所喜爱.发展出风格各异的品种. 还可以涮各种蔬菜肉类Huo guo is _____ all over China. There are ____ of huo guo._____can be boiled in huo guo.