A. 设置断点-->F5开始调试-->F7单步执行(在执行过程中添加必要的监视并观察其值,发现问题所在)-->F6结束调试(接着修改、完善代码)
B. F5开始调试-->F7单步执行(在执行过程中添加必要的监视并观察其值,发现问题所在)-->设置断点-->F6结束调试(接着修改、完善代码)
C. 设置断点-->F5开始调试-->F10单步执行(在执行过程中添加必要的监视并观察其值,发现问题所在)-->F6结束调试(接着修改、完善代码)
D. F5开始调试-->F10单步执行(在执行过程中添加必要的监视并观察其值,发现问题所在)-->设置断点-->F6结束调试(接着修改、完善代码)
Ella Black is talking about the delay of an order with Thomas Cook. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear. W: We’ve checked the order, and it ____1______ last Friday. I’m so sorry about that.M: You know we are a design company; our work cannot be done without computers. Our work has been affected ___2____.W: Sorry, sir. We promise ____3____.M: What if we don’t get it by then? Our manager ___4___ your service. This is our first order, and things like this shouldn’t have happened.W: I fully understand your position at this moment. _____5______ . I do hope this incident won’t affect our future business relations.M: Well, I hope so.
不可预见费根据项目的复杂程度和除税务外的全部费用估算的准确程度,以项目个项费用的( )进行估算。
A. 2%~6%
B. 3%~7%
C. 4%~8%
D. 5%~9%
A. 初步可行性研究
B. 投资机会研究
C. 详细可行性研究
D. 项目的评估和决策