
Which of the following economic activities are mainly affected by exchange rate risks()

A. Export trade
B. Foreign exchange reserves
C. External debt
D. Import trade
E. Transnational asset allocation management


The view is based on()that a rise in domestic interest rates will cause the current currency to depreciate

A. monetary approach
B. theory of interest rate parity
C. theory of purchasing power parity
D. portfolio approach

When a country has a current account deficit, the policies conducive to reducing the deficit include()

A. cutting deficit
B. increasing the import tariff
C. depreciating the currency
D. raising domestic interest rates
E. cutting tax

The following statements are consistent with the characteristics of the international monetary system under the Jamaica system()

A. The sovereign credit currency of some countries serves as an international currency
B. Generally, the degree of exchange rate fluctuation has increased
C. Diversification of exchange rate arrangements
D. Gold is an important international currency
E. Fixed exchange rate system for major currencies

The effects of currency appreciation include()

A. increasing the international purchasing power of its residents
B. When the balance of payments has a surplus, it is conducive to achieving the balance of payments
C. increasing imports
D. it promotes exports and is good for economic growth
E. capital outflow
