
Which of the following are correct when making self-introductions?

A. Tell everything about yourself.
B. Show your personalities.
C. Show your professional knowledge.
D. Show your related work experience in the field.


How to dress properly in an interview for men?

A. Wear casual clothes.
B. Wear tailored dark suits and light shirts.
C. Wear fancy ties.
D. Wear business shoes.

How to dress properly in an interview for women?

A. Wear tailored dress.
B. Wear a heavy makeup.
C. Wear high-heeled shoes.
D. Wear low-heeled shoes.

Which qualities are required for a qualified employee?

A. communication skills
B. team spirits
C. leadership potential
D. Integrity


A. 强化理论是美国心理学家马斯洛首先提出的
B. 所谓正强化就是惩罚那些不符合组织目标的行为,以使这些行为削弱直至消失
C. 连续的、固定的正强化能够使每次强化都起到较大的效果
D. 该理论过于强调对人的行为的限制和控制,而忽视了人的内在心理过程和状态
