
Which of the following cannot be led by an effective comprehensive immigration reform?

A. the protection of opportunities for legal immigrants in the US.
B. security problems such as criminals and national security threats.
C. new biometric cards to replace older ones to ensure security.
D. the return of public confidence in immigration policies.


There are many (7)_____ with the thesis above, not the least of (8)_____ is that wealthy capitalists can buy the experts and knowledge they need to keep their profits and influence. But this does not (9)_____ the importance of knowledge in an advanced industrial society, as the (10)_____ of some new industries indicates. (11)_____, genetic engineering and the new computer technology have (12)_____ many new firms and made some scientists quite rich. In (13)_____ with criticism of the postindustrial society thesis, however, it must also be (14)_____ that those already in control of huge amounts of capital (i.e., major corporations) soon (15)_____ to take most profits in these industries based on new knowledge.
Moving down from the level of wealth and power, we still find knowledge increasingly (16)_____. Many new high-tech jobs are being created at the upper-middle-class level, but even more new jobs are being created in the low-skill, low-paying service (17)_____. Something like a caste line is emerging centered around knowledge. Individuals who fall too far behind in the (18)_____ of knowledge at a young age will find it almost impossible to catch up later, no matter how hard they try. Illiteracy in the English language has been a severe (19)_____ for many years in the United States, but we are also moving to the point when computer illiteracy will hinder many more people and (20)_____ them to a life of low-skill and low-paid labor.

A. quantitative
B. extensive
C. comprehensive
D. sophisticated

某矩形水池,壁厚为300mm(如图所示矩形水池池壁弯矩M和拉力N的示意图)。通过内力分析,求得跨中水平方向每米宽度上最大弯矩设计值M=120kN·m,相应每米宽度上的轴向拉力设计值N=240kN,水池的混凝土强度等级为C25,as=a's=45mm,采用 HRB335级钢筋。

A. 450
B. 500
C. 550
D. 600

以26周、52周线观察证券市场的长期走势,称为“长期移动平均线”。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

β系数等于1的股票变动幅度大于指数的变动幅度。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
