The author loses so many things because______.
A. the things can really get up and walk
B. other people never lose anything
C. he doesn't have special cupboards for tools
D. he can not organize himself well
旅游投诉的投诉时效期间从权利受损害之日起开始计算。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
The Second role Kim is playing is that of responsible leader.
A. Y
B. N
A.The election system in India.B.The political system of India.C.The festivals in Indi
A. The election system in India.
B. The political system of India.
C. The festivals in India.
D. The arts customs in India.
A. 因违法行为或者违纪行为被解除职务的期货交易所、证券交易所、证券登记结算机构的负责人,或者期货公司、证券公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员,自被解除职务之日起满3年
B. 因违法行为或者违纪行为被撤销资格的律师、注册会计师或者投资咨询机构、财务顾问机构、资信评级机构、资产评估机构、验证机构的专业人员,自被撤销资格之日起已满5年
C. 因违法违规行为受到金融监管部门的行政处罚,执行期已满3年
D. 因违法违规行为或者出现重大风险被监管部门责令停业整顿、托管、接管或者撤销的金融机构及分支机构,其负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,自该金融机构及分支机构被停业整顿、托管、接管或者撤销之日起未已满3年