Which is the typical sentence patterns of background move?
A. Many researchers have studied/investigated…
B. The data obtained suggest that…
C. The main objective of the work is to justify…
D. The study sheds light on...
Which is the typical sentence patterns of results move?
A. Much work has been done on…
B. The main objective of the work is to justify…
C. The findings of our research is that…
D. It is concluded that…
Which is the typical sentence patterns of conclusion move?
A. The scope of this research covers…
B. The main objective of the work is to justify…
C. The data obtained suggest that…
D. On the basis of…the following conclusions can be drawn…
When translating chinese Non-Subject sentence into English, we should ______
A. split the sentence
B. restate the omitted subject in Chinese
C. use “and” to connect
D. Take one of the verbs as a predicate,other verbs expressed as a participle, infinitive or preposition.
Features of a good abstracts
A. Self-contained
B. emotional
C. Independent
D. vivid