
This is the most important factor in determining how much pay an employee receives.

A. education level
B. experience
C. the type of job the employee has
D. the amount of time and effort the employee puts into the job


Which of the following is NOT a factor that should influence compensation and benefits?

A. gender
B. seniority
C. geographical location
D. employee performance levels

The key to most sexual harassment cases against an organization is whether the organization ________.

A. knew about the behavior and what it did to stop it
B. told other employees in the department that harassment occurred
C. fired the employee after the charges were lodged
D. had hired a known sex offender

Formal groups ________.

A. meet at a regular time and place
B. are defined by an organization's structure
C. include people who share a common interest
D. include people who eat lunch together each day

This kind of work group is brought together to accomplish a specific job or single activity, such as the development of a new product.

A. command group
B. formal group
C. informal group
D. task group
