
有人称赞此诗为“ 杜集七言律第一” 、精光万丈,是古今七言律诗之冠。历来被推为律诗中的杰作,千百年来为世人传诵。试就其对仗工整做简要分析。


The Highland games refer to the games in __________.

A. Northern England
B. Northern Scotland
C. Northern Ireland

Which of the following does NOT belong to traditional Scottish musical instruments?

A. Bagpipe
B. Drum
C. Fiddle
D. Saxophone

An enormous man wearing kilts is trying to throw a tree trunk high into the air. The description above refers to the game __________.

Fill in the blanks with set phrases according to the context.If burly men throwing giant pieces of wood around are __________ (something you do not like), then perhaps the aspect of the Highland games would be more _________ (fitting into your interests).
