
According to ____gender roles, men are naturally rational, strong, protective, and decisive. Feminist theory points out, however, that these gender roles are produced by patriarchy rather than by nature. And they have been used to justify many inequities, which still occur today


Traditional ____roles define women as naturally emotional (which, in a patriarchy, usually means irrational), weak, nurturing, and submissive. Feminist theory points out, however, that these gender roles are produced by patriarchy rather than by nature. And they have been used to justify many inequities, which still occur today

Traditional ____roles still tell women, among other things, that they are not cut out for careers in areas such as mathematics and engineering and that, regardless of the job a wife holds outside the home, she has primary responsibility for the children and for domestic chores.

From a patriarchal perspective, women who adhere to traditional gender roles are considered “____girls.” They are put on pedestals and idealized as pure, angelic creatures whose sense of self consists mainly or entirely of their usefulness to their husbands, fathers, or brothers. In contrast, women who violate traditional gender roles are thought of as “bad girls,” especially if they violate the rules of sexual conduct for patriarchal women.

Feminist theory points out, however, that both “good girls” and “bad girls” are ____by patriarchy. That is, they are not viewed as independent human beings with their own goals, needs, and desires. Rather, they are evaluated only in terms of their usefulness to patriarchal men. They are viewed only as patriarchal objects.
