
Since its founding at the midpoint of the nineteenth century, the Massachusetts Institute


This is a period in which the old world is slowly but irreversibly changing and the contours of a new one are just beginning to take shape. Traditional institutions are being challenged. Budgets are being squeezed. Families are being stressed. All of this flux and churning creates enormous anxiety. At times of change, we must stay true to the ideals and principles that are at the heart of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Among those core values is tolerance. Our practice of tolerance must mean more than peaceful coexistence, crucial as that is. It must be an active understanding fostered through dialogue and positive engagement with others. This is especially critical in combating the discrimination that causes so much divisiveness, destruction and death. We all have a responsibility to protect those vulnerable to discrimination, whether based on race, religion, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation or other factors. Practicing tolerance can serve as the antidote to prejudice and hatred.

The men of history were not perpetually looking into the mirror to make sure of their own

这世上有些东西,最好别看透,留几分神秘,留一点朦胧,留一丝悬念,可能会更有意思些。魔术,如果让观众看透了手法,知道了诀窍,这门艺术也就寿终正寝了;变脸,正因为迄今为止大伙都没有看透其技术真相,才能屡演屡新,大受欢迎,成为国粹。 交朋友,各有目的:或为友谊,志同道合;或为利益,互相利用;或为酒肉,吃喝玩乐——都能好得如兄弟一般。但如果以鹰隼般犀利的眼神,看透每一个朋友的交友动机,你可能就成了孤家寡人,“人至察则无徒”。当然,也不能糊涂到朋友把你卖了,你还替他数钱。

