冲击疗法(满贯法或洪崩疗法)就是通过直接使病人处于他所恐惧的情境之中,以收物极必反之效,从而消除恐惧。 以下行为属于冲击疗法的是()。 A.小明感冒了,但他非常害怕打针,医生却强迫给他打了三天针,他感冒就好了 B.刘某从小就晕车,因为没买到飞机票,他不得不坐了5天汽车到乌鲁木齐,折磨个半死 C.贺某晕血,其女友却强迫他看了一碗鸡血48小时,贺某为此晕了三天 D.一个护士因恐惧花圈到严重神经症的程度,她去殡仪馆待了一周后却不怕了
A.Hedoesn’t like to receive visitors at work. B.He’S busy and has no timefor the visitor.
Not only __________ as a cooked dish all over the world, but also it is used in making liquor. A.eating rice B. rice is eaten C. people eat rice D. is rice eaten
A.Kate is going to go to night school next year. B.Kate is learning Japanesein night schOO1. C.Kate is a good typist. D.Kate and Jane are learningJapanese in night sch001.
This passage is mainly about_______. A.dietetics B.health education C.British DieteticAssociation D.dietitians