ACME工业公司的总经理认为他的工作很出色,因为该公司的资本边际生产率(扣除折旧)高于利率。他的工作是否真的出色?为什么? The general manager of ACME Industries thinks that he is doing a very good job because themarginal productivity of capital(net of depreciation)in his firm is higher than the interest rate.Is he really doing a good job?Why?
A. 黄酮
B. 黄酮醇
C. 异黄酮
D. 花色素
E. 黄烷醇
家庭A和B生产资源完全相同,且面临相同的利率。两者之间的惟一区别是,家庭A比家庭B更偏好于未来消费。 a.跨时期最优化是否意味着家庭A应该比家庭B多作投资? b.在存在信贷配给的情况下,(a)的答案将会有什么变化? Households A and B have exactly the same productive resources,and they face the same interest rate.The only difference between them is that household A has a stronger preference for future consumption than household B. a.Would intertemporal optimization imply that household A should invest more than household B? b.How would your answer to(a)change in the presence of credit rationing?