
Text 4
In 1960—1961, Chad (乍得) harvested 98,000 tons of cotton for the first time in its history, and put out the flag a little too soon. The efforts of the authorities to get the peasants ' back' to work, as they had slacked off a great deal the previous year during independence celebrations, largely contributed to it. Also, rains were well spaced, and continued through the whole month of October. If the 1961—1962 total is back to the region of 45,000 tons, it is mostly because efforts slackened again and sowing was started too late.
The average date of sowing is about July 1st. ff this date is simply moved up fifteen or twenty days, 30,000 to 60,000 tons of cotton are gained, depending on the year. The peasant in Chad sows his millet first, and it is hard to criticize this instinctive priority given to his ' daily bread'.
An essential reason for his lateness with sowing cotton is that at the time when he should leave to prepare the fields he has just barely sold the cotton of the previous season. The work required to sow, in great heat, is psychologically far more difficult if one's pockets are full of money. The date of cotton sales should therefore be moved forward as much as possible, and purchases of equipment and draught animals encouraged.
Peasants should also be encouraged to save money, to help them through the difficult pealed between harvests. If necessary they should be forced to do so, by having the payments for cotton given to them in installments. The last payment would be made after proof that the peasant has planted before the deadline, the date being advanced to the end of June. Those who have done so would receive extra money whereas the last planters would not receive their last payment until later.
Only the first steps are hard, because once work has started the peasants continue willingly on their way. Educational campaigns among the peasants will play an essential role in this basic advance, early sowing, on which all the others depend. It is not a matter of controlling the peasants.
Each peasant will remain master of his fields. One could, however, suggest the need for the time being of kind but firm rule, which, as long as it cannot be realized 'by the people' , should at least be 'for the people. '
36. In 1960—1961, Chad had a good harvest of cotton because______.

A. the government greatly encouraged peasants
B. rains favored the growth of cotton
Chad gained independence in the previous year
D. both A and B


Part A
Your friend Steven and Jenny have just had a new baby boy. Please write a letter to congratulate them. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. You do not need to write the address. (10 points )

Part B
Directions: In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.
The Revolutionary War, which began officially on April 19, 1775, dragged on for more than six bitter years. It was conflict fought by the colonials for the righteous cause of securing freedom from intolerable British intervention in America affairs.
41)_______________. When legal restrictions were implemented by both the British and the colonists in 1775, nearly all American overseas commerce abruptly ceased. By mid-1775, the colonies faced acute shortages in such military essentials as powder, flints, muskets, and knives. Even salt, shoes, woolens and linens were in short supply. Late in 1775, Congress authorized limited trade with the West Indies, mainly to procure arms and ammunitions, and trade with other non -British areas was on an unrestricted basis by the spring of 1776.
42)_______________. Yet the colonies engaged in international trade despite the blockade. Formal treaties of commerce with France in 1778 and with Holland and Spain shortly thereafter stimulated the flows of overseas trade. Between 1778 and early 1782, American war time commerce was at its zenith. During those years, France, Holland, Spain, and their possessions all actively traded with the colonies. Even so, the flow of goods in and out of the colonies remained well below prewar levels. Smuggling, privateering, and legal trade with overseas partners only partially offset the drastic trade reductions with Britain. Even the coastal trades were curtailed by a lack of vessels, by blockades, and by wartime freight rates. British-occupied ports, such as New York, generated some import activity but little or nothing in the way of exports.
43)_______________. In Philadelphia, for instance, nearly 4,000 women were employed to spin materials in their homes for the newly established textile plants. A sharp increase also occurred in the number of artisan workshops with a similar stimulus in the production of beer, whiskey, and other domestic alcoholic beverages. 44)_______________. Only the least commercialized rural areas remained little affected by the serpentine path of war and the sporadic flows of wartime commerce.
Overall, the war imposed a distinct economic hardship on the new nation. Most goods rose in cost and were more difficult to obtain. High prices and severe commercial difficulties encouraged some investors to turn from commerce to manufacturing. Then, once the trade lanes reopened with the. coming of peace, even those who profited from the war were stung by
the tide of imports that swept it to American ports and sharply lowered prices. 45) _______________.
[A] The rechanneling of American resources into import competing industries was especially strong along the coast and in the major port cities.
[B] As exports and imports fell, import substitution abounded, and tile colonial economy became considerably more self-sufficient.
[C] Although many Americans escaped the direct ordeals of war, few Americans were untouched by it—at least indirectly.
[D] Nevertheless, the British maintained a fairly effective naval blockade of American ports, especially during the first two years of the war.
[E] Internally, the. most pressing problems were financial.
[F] More important was the fact that Congress had no independent income and had to rely for funds on catch as catch can contributions from the states, made roughly in proportion to their individual populations.
[G] Maritime commerce was always an important factor in the war effort, and trade linkages were vital to the supply of arms and ammunitions.

Part C
Directions: Read then following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ. (10 points)
Laws of nature are of two basic forms: (1) a law is Universal if it states that some conditions, so far as are known, in- variably are found together with certain other conditions; and (2) a law is probabilistic if it affirms that, on the average, a stated fraction of cases displaying a given condition will display a certain other condition as well. In either case, a law may be valid even though it obtains only under special circumstances or as a convenient approximation.
46) Moreover, a law of nature has no logical necessity; rather, it rests directly or indirectly upon the evidence of experience. Laws of universal form. must be distinguished from generalizations, such as "All chairs in this office are gray," which appear to be accidental. Generalizations, for example, cannot support counterfactual conditional statements such as "If this chair had been in my office, it would be gray" nor subjunctive conditionals such as "If this chair were put in my office, it would be gray." On the other hand, the statement "All planetary objects move in nearly elliptical paths about their star" does provide this support. All scientific laws appear to give similar results.
47) The class of universal statements that can be candidates for the status of laws, however, is determined at any time in history, by the theories of science current then.
Several positive attributes are commonly required of a natural law. Statements about things or events limited to one location or one date cannot be lawlike. Also, most scientists hold that the predicate must apply to evidence not used in deft- ring the law: though the law is founded upon experience, it must predict or help one to understand matters not included among these experiences. Finally, it is normally expected that o law will be explainable by more embracing laws or by some theory.
48) Thus t a regularity for which there are general theoretical grounds for expecting it will be more readily called a natural law than an empirical regularity that cannot be subsumed under more general laws or theories.
Universal laws are of several types. 49) Many assert a dependence between varying quantities measuring certain properties, as in the law that the pressure of a gas under steady temperature is inversely proportional to its volnme.
Others state that events occur in an invariant order, as in "Vertebrates always occur in the fossil record after the rise of invertebrates." Lastly, there are laws affirming that if an object is of a stated sort it will have certain observable properties. 50) Part of the reason for the ambiguity of the term law of nature lies in the temptation to apply the term only to statements of one of these sorts of laws, as in the claim that science deals solely with cause and effect relationships, when in fact all three kinds are equally valid.

Part A
51. Directions:
You have just received a letter from a company, which replied your application for a job and asked you to go to the interview on August 30. Please write a reply which is about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)
