Gunmen killed about 50 people just to take a revenge on the bombing event in the Shiite area.
听力原文:M: My brother Mike has just done a course at the Green Park Camping School.
W: Really! What made him decide to do that?
M: Well, for one thing, some boys in his class decided to do it and they dared him to go with them!
W: You mean he didn't really want to go?
M: I think he wanted to go but I think he was also a little frightened. Of course, now that he's done it, he's very pleased with himself and he's always talking about it.
W: So he enjoyed it, didn't he?
M: Not exactly. I think he's enjoying the feeling of having done it more than he enjoyed actually doing it!
W: What sort of things did he do?
M: Oh, all sorts of open-air activities: hiking, camping, canoeing. One thing he had to do was to capsize a canoe and then right it again without getting out. He said the water was very cold but that he hardly noticed it at the time.
W: Why not?
M: He was too busy righting the canoe!
W: That doesn't sound very comfortable at this time of the year.
M: That's what I said when he told me. On another occasion he had to spend a day and a night by himself in the open country.
W: Was he frightened ?
M: He was frightened at first, apparently, but then he got used to it.
W: It seems to me that the course did him a lot of good. I expect it's made him more self-reliant.
M: That's what he says and now he wants me to go!
A. Mike was eager to do the course.
B. Mike had done outdoor activities.
C. Mike enjoyed life in the open.
D. Mike was reluctant and timid.
A. 无效,因为乙改变了要约的数量
B. 无效,因为乙的特快专递8月22日才到达,超过了约定的8月20日
C. 有效,因为通常情况下乙的承诺可以20日到达,但是由于其他原因承诺到达要约人时超过了承诺期限,并且要约人没有及时通知受要约人因为承诺超过期限而不接受该承诺,该承诺有效
D. 有效,因为乙15日就寄出了特快专递,还未到20日的约定的期限
A. to not make
B. not to make
C. make not
D. do not make
Since trademarks are regarded as the private properties now, the rights of the trademarks
A. Y
B. N