
Crow: Hello, Frog. Let's have a talk.
Frog: OK. Where are you from?
Crow: I'm from the sky.
Frog: Froth the sky? I don't believe you. The sky is just as big as tile mouth of a well. How can you come from the sky?
Crow: It's blue. The sky is very big. You're wrong.
Frog: Really?
Crow: You can come out and have a look yourself.
Frog: Wow! How big the world is!
The frog lives in a well.

A. True.
B. False.


永昌公司有一批会计档案保管期限已到,虽然还有一笔债务尚未结清,但是仍然可以按公司规定销毁会计档案。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

在计算个人所得税应纳税额时,纳税人的个人所得额超过起征点,仅就超过部分征税。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

单位内部会计监督的对象是会计机构、会计人员及管理人员。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

对营业税纳税人销售某项不动产价格明显偏低而又没有正当理由的,税务机关应当首先按纳税人“最近时期”提供的同类不动产的平均价格核定其营业额。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
