
对营业税纳税人销售某项不动产价格明显偏低而又没有正当理由的,税务机关应当首先按纳税人“最近时期”提供的同类不动产的平均价格核定其营业额。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Samuel Clemens, whose pen name is Mark Twain, publishes Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1885 in America. He has been at work for eight years on the story of an outcast white boy, Huck, and his adult friend Jim, a runaway slave, who together flee Missouri on a raft down the Mississippi River in the 1840s. The hook's free-spirited and not always truthful hero as well as its lack of respect for religion or adult authority drew immediate fire from newspaper critics. The ungrammatical vernacular voice in which Huck narrates the book was also attacked as coarse and inappropriate. Some readers found the colorful stories Huck tells immoral, sacrilegious, and inappropriate for children. The Concord, MA, library banned Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a month after its publication, calling it "trash and suitable only for the slums". Other libraries followed suit.
In the decades after Twain's death in 1910, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn gains the status of a masterpiece. Novelist Ernest Hemingway remarks that "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn", and other writers as diverse as American poet T.S. Eliot and African American novelist Ralph Ellison add their acclaim. It is increasingly studied at both the high school and college level, where its literary merit and the insights it offers into American society are praised. In particular, some consider Twain's satire to be a powerful attack on racism.
Others see Adventures of Huckleberry Finn not as an attack on racism, but as inherently racist itself. African Americans and others, led by the NAACP, begin to challenge the book in the 1950s, appalled by the novel's portrayal of the slave Jim and its repeated use of the word "nigger". The book is removed from some schools in the New York City school system, and its place on required reading lists is threatened in other cities.
Debates about Adventures of Huckleberry Finn continue to the present day. The crux of the controversy remains race, although some, notably Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jane Smiley for example, assert that the book's reputation as a literary classic is exaggerated. In 1998, Kathy Monteiro, parent of a student in a Tempe, AZ, high school, sued the school district, claiming that an already tense racial environment was exacerbated by the assignment of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as required reading. Although the judges decline to ban the book, they do state that a school district has a legal duty to take reasonable steps to eliminate a racially hostile environment and can be held liable for damages if they fail to make this effort. While Monteiro and her supporters hail this as a victory, the questions of whether Adventures of Huckleberry Finn contributes to a racially hostile environment and whether it should be assigned in high school remain unresolved.
What happened to the book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn when it was published in 1885?

A. It was banned by many libraries as trash in the U.S.
B. The book was attacked to be coarse and inappropriate.
C. It was praised for its free-spirited and truthful hero.
D. It was praised for the colorful stories it narrates.

What can be inferred from the passage, according to the passage itself?

A. The book is still a controversial topic.
B. The book enjoys high popularity among critics.
C. The book is a fierce attack on racism.
D. The hook advocates racism by itself.

Stress can be defined as an adaptive response, mediated by individual characteristics and/or psychological processes, that is a consequence of any external action, situation, or event that places special physical and/or psychological demands upon a person. This definition includes three concepts important to the overall study of stress: (a) situational demands or stressors cause persons to adapt; (b) individuals tend to react and adapt in different ways to the stressors they are presented, and (c) some form. of physical and/ or psychological responses will occur. Therefore, internal characteristics may determine physical and emotional responses exhibited by individuals as a result of stressors. There are two distinct types of stressors, those without and within. Without stressors originate outside individuals and include such things as environmental or work-related demands. Within stressors are those from within individuals. These stressors tend to include individuals' personal values, attitudes, and self-concepts. There are three major types of stressors: environmental, organizational, and individual. Stressors are found to emerge from the environment and individuals. Internal characteristics would be stressors from within individuals. Internal characteristics are identified in numerous documents and cited as major sources of individual stress. Researchers have found that internal characteristics could contribute to individuals' susceptibility to stress and that these factors may even dictate how individuals handle the stress that they encounter; they state that internal characteristics actually contribute to the amount of stress individuals are able to tolerate. A large number of the negative experiences of beginning vocational individuals emerge from internal characteristics.
The role-related stress is a function of the individual's personality and job preparation. Perceived professional competence has been found to be a source of stress for many individuals. Individuals have been known to experience stress because of their lack of occupational confidence in a particular work or particular environment. Rapid changes in the world and technologies have caused individuals to feel incompetent and experience stress due to their inability to always remain current and up-to-date in their areas of expertise.
Job satisfaction and individual stress are found to be strongly correlated. The amount of stress and degree of job satisfaction experienced by individuals directly influence the quality of individual work life. A list of events revealed recently is closely related to individuals' life satisfaction that could affect their stress and performance at work. These events included marriage, divorce, pregnancy, death of a loved one, and change of residence.
According to the author of this passage, the term "stress" can be defined as______.

A. an individual's response to an external action
B. a process of one's adaptation to the situation
C. a demand an external situation places on a person
D. physical and psychological demands on a person

Acid Rain
However, many advantages the industrial society brings us also have a down side. One of the adverse effects of industrialization is acid deposition due to power plants, fossil fuels and automobile emissions. Acid rain is the popular term but the scientists prefer the term acid deposition. Acid rain can have adverse effects on the environment by damaging forests and lakes, making it too difficult for many plants and animals to live.
Charles Angus Smith, an Englishman, was the first to suggest, in 1852, that sulfuric acid in Manchester, England, was causing metal to rust and dyed goods to fade. One source that causes acid rain is fossil fuel. This energy source contributes 23.1 million tons of sulfur dioxide and 20.5 million tons of nitrogen oxides to our atmosphere worldwide. When fossil fuels are ignited, such as oil and coal, they release carbon dioxide, a so-called greenhouse gas that traps heat within the earth's atmosphere, which causes global warming. Also, they release sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and metals such as mercury, aluminum into the atmosphere, which later can be carried a long distance from their source and be deposited as acid rain.
Forests are a complex ecosystem that involves trees, soil, water, the air, climate and other living organisms that support the community of wildlife: animals, birds, insects and plants. The countries most affected by acid rain are in Europe. Central Europe faces a much greater threat since it has a large amount of forest area and about 8% of German's forest face the lethal effect of acid rain. Acid rain kills about 50 million hectares of forest. Acid rain does not kill trees outright but weakens them to the point where they become susceptible to extremes of heat or cold, attacks from blight-causing or from inserts, and other environmental stresses.
When acid rain falls into lakes and rivers, it destroys all living things and populations of fish, aquatic plant life and microorganisms decline. Fish just goes extinct because they simply fail to reproduce and become less and less abundant, until they die out.
The result of acid rain is not only the destruction of forests and lakes, but also the corrosion of buildings and monuments. Almost every building of a major urban or industrial centre may be at risk from the corrosive effects of acid deposition and the rate of corrosion has increased dramatically in many urban areas. The Athenian monuments have got worst in the past 20~25 years as a result of pollution. Acid attack can also lead to stone decay through the creation of salt, which can crystallize and force apart mineral grains, causing the stone to disintegrate.
As our society gets more advanced, there is also the rising effect of pollution. To stop the effect we need to find alternative ways to remove or replace fossil fuel that is responsible for acid rain. The government needs to put stricter laws on the industries that pollute. People should find an efficient and alternative way to stop the pollution, because the effects of acid rain can be seen all round us, starling with forests and lakes, and in the heart of a city where the buildings and monuments are being eaten away by pollution.
According to the passage, acid rain is ______.

A. a source of pollution
B. an effect of industrialization
C. an advantage of industrial society
D. a deposition of fossil fuels
