A. 完全自由市场经济制度
B. 完全计划经济制度
C. “混合经济”制度
D. 一个社会做出选择的方式,或者说是解决资源配置和资源利用的方式
A. 提高香烟税对其销量的影响
B. 中国未来五年的经济增长趋势
C. 2017年失业率将会上升还是下降
D. 通货膨胀率上升的原因
In ________, the seller charges different amounts to different classes of buyers.
A. perceived value pricing
B. third-degree price discrimination
C. first-degree price discrimination
D. second-degree price discrimination
E. psychological discounting
When museums charge a lower admission fee to students and senior citizens, this form of price discrimination is known as ________ pricing.
A. location
B. channel
C. customer-segment
D. special-customer
E. loss-leader