1. Doctors __________are the first to admit that the treatment has side effects.2. I saw the minister of education ________in the VIP lounge (贵宾厅) at the airport.3. Look, Dad, she drew this beautiful bird ______________________.4. We’ve checked the wiring and the aerial (天线) so the problem may have to do with the television ____________.5. We’ve often made that mistake ___________.6. Did you fix the computer ______________?
著名的心理学家( )指出,儿童的智慧来源于活动。
A. 卢梭
B. 乌申斯基
C. 赫尔巴特
D. 皮亚杰
教师的语言本身就是学生的审美对象,具有( )功能。
A. 赞美
B. 审美
C. 理解
D. 激励
教学的目的包括( )、能力、情感态度。
A. 教学任务
B. 知识
C. 材料
D. 课型