
Employees like on-line conversation during the business because

A. they will not be managed and directed by others.
B. they call speak whatever they want.
C. they are free to choose their own business partner.
D. they can have a person-to-person communication.



Section A
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.

A. Please sit down.
B. She doesn't want him to sit down.
C. She doesn't like the man.
D. She wants the man to go away.


A. 充分分析工程规模、特点及设计意图,抓住工程的特点、难点,分析内容包括工程影响范围内的水文、地质、结构断面及尺寸、地下障碍物、工期及参建单位等
B. 对于模板及支架、基坑支护、降水、施工便桥、构筑物推进、沉井、软基处理、预应力张拉、大型构件吊装、混凝土浇筑、设备安装、管道吹洗等分项工程,应按规范标准进行结构稳定性、强度等内容的核算;并作出相应的施工专项设计,配备必要的施工详图
C. 对施工方法和施工工艺进行技术经济比选,对于关键环节应详细分析、论证,确定工艺操作方法,材料要求,技术质量控制指标和安全保障措施,以便能指导工程施工
D. 实行危险源经一管理,针对重大危险源必须制定切实可行的应急预案,建立负责人制度
E. 制定工程的变形监测控制、支护监测控制措施,确保工程施工安全

