
What can you learn from the last paragraph of the text?

A. The majority of the world oceans remain to be explored by human beings.
B. Not all of us want to know as much about the Planet Earth as possible.
C. People know more about the rest of world than the deep oceans.
D. There must be some aliens living beyond the Planet Earth.


Which statement is correct according to Walsh?

A. Unmanned vehicles are mainly designed to make direct observations in the oceans.
B. Manned vehicles are primarily used for doing the heavy lifting in the future.
C. Manned vehicles will be abandoned in the exploration of the deep oceans.
D. Both manned and unmanned vehicles are necessary in exploring the oceans.

1.使用本课程所学的3ds Max建模、UV划分、贴图制作以及灯光设置的相关知识,以有游戏及动漫场景为创作对象,制作一个场景模型。要求:1.模型大小、结构、比例、颜色贴图设计符合审美规律;2.模型布线合理,线条疏密适中;3.完成全部建模、UV 划分、制作贴图、设置灯光、渲染、后期排版制作流程;4.从不同角度渲染制作三张以图片格式提交到本作业附件中,不需要源文件。


A. 对
B. 错


A. 13
B. 15
C. 17
D. 说明语句不合法
