
Research Is a State of Mind For many years there has been much misunderstanding as to just what research is. The popular conception seems to be that there is something mysterious about it, and before any research can be done it is necessary to have expensive scientific apparatus and large, elaborately equipped laboratories. Actually, this is not so. (6) It is a simple, organized way of trying to accomplish something you wish to do—so simple that anyone can do research anywhere at any time. First, you select the problem you would like to solve, then you list at least ten reasons why it has not been solved. (7) It takes just as much effort to solve a useless problem as a useful one. (8) After carefully—and I want to emphasize that word “carefully”—selecting the problem and the ten things between you and the solution, you then use the same procedure as in solving a crossword puzzle.(9)In the solution of the remaining obstacles you may need some simple apparatus, but the things you will probably need most are infinite patience and persistence. Few people realize the difficulties of doing any new thing. Maybe one of the reasons people are so easily discouraged is because of their education. During all our years at school we were examined two or three times a year. If we failed once, we were out. (10)If we are going to make progress, we must learn to fail intelligently so that we won't become discouraged at the 99.9 per cent failure. 10.()

A. Make sure the game is worth the candle.
B. That is a step in the right direction, but I don't believe it is enough.
C. You take the easy obstacles first and by a process of elimination you eventually arrive at the one or two major ones.
D. But in selecting the problem, you need to be sure to analyze it carefully to see that it is worth the effort.
E. Research isn't a physical thing at all; it's a state of mind.
F. By contrast, all research work is 99. 9 per cent failure and, if we succeed once, we are in.



A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 自然条件
B. 环境条件
C. 生产条件
D. 在职培训


A. 春秋战国
B. 唐代
C. 宋代

汗也者合阳气阴精蒸化而出者也内经云人之汗以天地之雨名之盖汗之为物以阳气为运用以阴精为材料阴精有余阳气不足则汗不能自出不出则死阳气有余阴精不足多能自出再发则痉痉亦死或熏灼而不出不出亦死也其有阴精有余阳气不足又为寒邪肃杀之气所搏不能自出者必用辛温味薄急走之药以运用其阳气仲景之治伤寒是也伤寒一书始终以救阳气为主其有阳气有余阴精不足又为温热升发之气所铄而汗自出或不出者必用辛凉以止其自出之汗用甘凉甘润培养其阴精为材料以为正汗之地本论之治温热是也本论始终以救阴精为主此伤寒所以不可不发汗温热病断不可发汗之大较也唐宋以来多昧于此是以人各著一伤寒书而病温热者之祸亟矣呜呼天道欤抑人事欤(吴鞠通《温病条辨·汗论》) 作者认为汗的形成机理是什么?
