The Bretton Woods system is characterized by()
A. Gold is pegged to the US dollar
B. a fixed exchange rate system
C. Gold as an international liquidity of last resort
D. Exchange rates fluctuate around gold parity
E. Diversification of exchange rate arrangements
F. The balance of payments has an automatic adjustment mechanism
The correct statement about the monetary aggregates hierarchy is()
A. The more liquid, the smaller the range of money included
B. The content of each monetary aggregates hierarchy is different in different countries
C. The monetary aggregates hierarchy is not fixed
D. The division and measurement of monetary aggregates can only reflect the current status to a certain extent
E. The weaker the liquidity, the smaller the range of money included
The characteristics of the international gold standard are()
A. a fixed exchange rate
B. Free import and export of gold
C. Exchange rates fluctuate around gold parity
D. The balance of payments has an automatic adjustment mechanism
E. Floating exchange rates
Activities of the money as a means of payment include()
A. Credit receipts and payments
B. Fiscal revenue and expenditure
C. Payroll
D. Income and expenditure on services
E. Donations
F. Indemnification
G. Price of tags on commodities