Linens should complement your dinnerware. The underlined word means ______.
A. be the same color as
B. hide defects in
C. go well with
D. serve as a contrast to
Which size tablecloth would you buy for a circular table which is 30 inches high and 45 inches in diameter?
A. 45-inch round.
B. 50-inch round.
C. 70-inch round.
D. 120-inch roun
A. 家住偏僻山区的蒋某把人室抢劫的康某捆绑起来,关押了六小时后,才将康某押送到40里外的乡派出所
B. 蔡某偷了一辆价值150元的自行车,十年后被人查出
C. 医生李某征得患者王某的同意,锯掉其长有恶性肿瘤的小腿
D. 高某在与三个青年打架时,拔出刀子将对方一人刺成重伤
The meaning of the underlined word "identical" is ______.
A. just the opposite
B. a bad imitation
C. just the same
D. a different size
A. 0
B. 150
C. 850
D. 1000