
You work as the IT professional in an international company which is named Wiikigo. You are experiencedin implementing and administering a network operating system. You are specialized in deploying servers,configuring Windows Server 2008 Terminal services and network application services,and configuring aweb services infrastructure. You are in charge of a server that runs Windows Server 2008. The TerminalServices server role is installed on the server. A Terminal Services application runs on the server. Now youreceive report from users saying that that the application stops responding. You monitor the memory usageon the server for a week and find that the application has a memory leak. A patch is not currently available.You create a new resource-allocation policy in Microsoft Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM).You configure a Process Matching Criteria named TrackShip and choose the application. You have toterminate the application when the application consumes more than half of the available memory on theserver. What action should you perform?()

A. The resource-allocation policy and the maximum working set limit option should be set to half the available memory on the server. The new policy should be set as a Managing Policy.
B. The resource-allocation policy and the maximum committed memory option should be set to half the available memory on the server. The new policy should be set as a Profiling Policy.
C. The resource-allocation policy and the maximum committed memory option should be set to half the available memory on the server. The new policy should be set as a Managing Policy.
D. The resource-allocation policy should be configured and the maximum working set limit option should be set to half the available memory on the server. The new policy should be set as a Profiling Policy.



A. 0.1
B. 0.5
C. 1.2
D. 1.5

A注册会计师负责审计甲公司2017年度财务报表。在了解甲公司内部控制后,A注册会计师决定采用审计抽样的方法对拟信赖的内部控制进行测试,部分做法摘录如下: (1)为测试2016年度信用审核的控制是否有效运行,将2017年1月1日至11月30日期间的所有销售单界定为测试总体。 (2)为测试2016年度采购付款凭证审批的控制是否有效运行,将采购凭证缺乏审批人员签字或虽有签字但未按制度审批的界定为控制偏差。 (3)在使用随机数表选取样本项目时,由于所选中的1张凭证已经丢失,无法测试,直接用随机数表另选1张凭证代替。 (4)在对存货验收的控制进行测试时,确定样本规模为60,测试后发现3例偏差。在此情况下,推断2016年度该项控制偏差率的最佳估计为5%。 (5)在上述第(4)项的基础上,A注册会计师确定的信赖过度风险为5%,可容忍偏差率为7%。由于存货验收控制的偏差率的最佳估计不超过可容忍偏差率,认定该项控制运行有效(注:信赖过度风险为5%时,样本中发现偏差数“3”对应的控制测试风险系数为7.8)。 针对上述第(1)项至第(5)项,逐项指出A注册会计师的做法是否正确。如不正确,简要说明理由。


患者男性,14岁,因“头晕1周,加重伴胸闷、发现肌酐升高1日”来诊。入院前1周,患者无明显诱因出现头晕,未予以重视,未治疗。入院前1日,感头晕加重,伴胸闷,当地医院诊断为“肾功能不全”。查体:体温36℃,脉搏102次/分,呼吸21次/分,血压152/92mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。急性病容,贫血貌。初步诊断:尿毒症。实验室检查:血常规示血红蛋白53g/L;血生化示白蛋白32.9g/L,尿素41.20mmol/L,肌酐938.0μmol/L,血清胱抑素C5.00mg/L,尿酸616.2μmol/L,血钾5.83mmol/L,血钙1.02mmol/L,血清无机磷2.39mmol/L;凝血常规示凝血酶原时间14.0秒,国际标准化比(INR)1.25,D-二聚体0.62mg/L;尿蛋白/尿肌酐比值为0.528g/mmol,尿蛋白定量1.62g/L,肾小球滤过率10.21ml/min(1.73m2)。确诊:慢性肾功能不全(CKD5期)、肾性贫血。给予输血、利尿、补钙、纠正酸碱电解质紊乱等对症支持治疗,并行透析治疗。用药医嘱: ①碳酸钙D3片600mg,口服,每夜1次; ②多糖铁复合物胶囊150mg,口服,每日1次; ③药用炭片4片,口服,每日3次; ④硝苯地平控释片30mg,口服,每日1次。 根据美国肾病与透析患者生存质量指导指南,CKD5期接受透析的高血压患者,首选降压药应为()

A. β受体阻滞剂或利尿剂
B. 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂/血管紧张素受体阻断剂(ACEI/AR
C. ACEI/ARB/钙通道阻滞剂(CC
F. 除利尿剂外任何降压药
