
Q4: Which of the following are the meaning of the principle of equal treatment?( )

Applies all along the arbitration
B. Requires similar treatment of similar situations
C. Does not preclude differences provided they are justified by the circumstances
D. The parties should pay the cost equally


Seminar 5Q1: Which of the following regarding the Recognition and Enforcement in international commercial arbitration are correct?( )

A. Recognition and Enforcement are two different concepts
B. Recognition indicates that the award is accepted by the courts of a country as having been validly made
C. Enforcement is a positive action to recover or claim whatever the award has ordered
D. Recognition on its own is generally a defensive process, acting as a shield

Q2: Which of the following are the issues should be considered by the successful party?( )

A. Whether there any reciprocal treaties or conventions between the seat or place of the arbitration and the place where enforcement is sought
B. If there are no reciprocal treaties or conventions the views of the courts where enforcement is sought to the enforcement of foreign awards
C. If the unsuccessful party is a State or State entity the laws of that country in relation to State immunity
D. Whether all the other party’s counselor obey the ethical rules during the arbitration

Q3: According to the New York Convention, which of the following are the grounds for non-enforcement could be raised by the parties?( )

A. Incapacity and invalidity
B. Violation of due process
C. Scope of jurisdiction
D. Irregularity in the composition or procedure

Q4: Which of the following are the documents should be supplied by the party when applying for recognition and enforcement?( )

A. The duly authenticated original award or a duly certified copy
B. The original arbitration agreement
C. A translation of arbitral award into foreign language, if necessary
D. The statement of expert witness
