
Given: Whatistheresult?()

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
F. Compilationfails.
G. Anexceptionisthrownatruntime.


Considerthefollowingscenarioforyourdatabase: WhichstatementistrueregardingthebackupoftheTOOLStablespace?()

A. TheRMANbackupfailsbecausetheTOOLStablespaceisread-only
B. TheRMANskipsthebackupofthetablespacebecausebackupoptimizationisenabled
C. TheRMANmakesbackupbecauseoptimizationcanbeenabledonlyforbackupstodisk
D. TheRMANmakesthebackupbecausenobackupofthetablespaceexistswithinthesevendaywindow

A system administrator wants to perform some system maintenance. The AIX installation CD is in the CDROM drive, however the system will not boot from the CD. Which command will assist in determining if the CDROM drive is currently a bootable device?()

A. lscfg -l cd0 -v
B. bootlist -m service -o
C. bosboot -a -d /dev/cd0
D. chdev -l cd0 -a boot=yes


A. Oracleusesstatisticalrelevancetodeterminewhenanadaptivethresholdhasbeenbreachedforthemetric.
B. Thestatisticsforthemetricvaluesobservedoverthebaselinetimeperiodarenotexaminedtodeterminethresholdvalues.
C. Oracledetermineswhenanadaptivethresholdhasbeenbreachedbasedonthemaximumvaluecapturedbythebaseline.
D. Thetotalconcurrentnumberofthresholdviolations,whichmustoccurbeforeanalertisraisedforthemetric,hasbeensettozero.

A typical example of a process # 19082 in the /proc file would be: # ls -l /proc/19082 total 0 dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sep 15 15:12 . dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 .. -rw------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 as -r-------- 1 root system 128 Sept 15 15:12 cred --w------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 ctl dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 lwp -r-------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 map dr-x------ 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 object -r--r--r-- 1 root system 448 Sept 15 15:12 psinfo -r-------- 1 root system 1024 Sept 15 15:12 sigact -r-------- 1 root system 1520 Sept 15 15:12 status -r--r--r-- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 sysent Writing to which of the following files will allow the owner to stop a process?()

A. status
B. sysent
C. ctl
D. as
