
Motivation can be either positive or negative (2) direction. We may feel a driving force toward some object or condition, (3) a driving force away from some object or condition. For example, a person may be impelled toward a restaurant to fulfill a need, hunger, and away (4) an airplane to fulfill a need of safety. Some psychologists refer to positive drives (5) needs, wants or desires, (6) negative drives as fears or aversions (7) , though negative and positive motivational forces seem to differ dramatically (8) terms of physical and sometimes emotional activity, they are basically similar in (9) they both serve to initiate and sustain human behavior. (10) this reason, researchers often refer (11) both kinds of drives or motives as needs, wants and desires.
Goals, (12) , can be either positive or negative. A positive goal is one toward (13) behavior. is directed and it is often referred to as an approach object. A negative goal is (14) from which behavior. is directed away and it is sometimes referred to as an avoidance object. Since both approach and avoidance goals can be considered objectives of motivated behavior, most researchers refer to (15) types simply as goals. Consider this example. A middle-aged woman may wish to remain (16) attractive as possible. Her positive goal is to appear desirable, and (17) she may use a perfume advertised to make her irresistible. A negative goal may be to prevent her skin (18) aging, and therefore she may buy and use face creams. (19) the former case, she uses perfume to help her achieve her positive goal -- attractiveness; in the (20) case, she uses face creams to help avoid a negative goal -- wrinkled skin.


施工过程中发生如下事件: 事件一:建设单位要求调整场地标高,设计单位修改施工图,A工作开始时间推迟1个月,致使造成施工单位机械闲置和人员窝工损失。 事件二:设计单位修改图纸使C工作发生工程量变化,增加造价10万元,施工单位及时调整施工部署,如期完成了C工作。 事件三:D、E工作受A工作的影响,开始时间也推迟了1个月,由于物价上涨原因,6~7月份D、E工作的实际完成投资较计划完成投资增加了10%。D、E工作均按原持续时间完成,由于施工机械故障,J工作7月份实际完成计划工程量的80%,J工作持续时间最终延长1个月。 事件四:G、I工作的实施过程中遇到非常恶劣的气候,导致G工作持续时间延长0.5个月;施工单位采取了赶工措施,使工作能按原持续时间完成,但需增加赶工费0.5万元。 事件五:L工作为隐蔽工程,在验收后项目监理机构对质量提出了质疑,施工单位以隐蔽工程已经监理工程师验收为由拒绝复验。在监理机构的坚持下,对隐蔽工程进行剥离复验。复验结果,工程质量不合格,施工单位进行了整改。 以上事件一~事件四发生后,施工单位均在规定时间内提出工期顺延和费用补偿要求。 1~7月份投资情况见下表




I believe the key to personal effectiveness at work(and to job satisfaction, also)is knowing what motivates us to perform. at our best. It's then up to us to seek opportunities to fulfill these motivations. When a job no longer motivates us, it's time to move on. Jobs have lifecycles, so take stock of where you are and decide if that's where you want to be. Consider the following.
Also, prejudice and chauvinism still exist in the workplace. While we like to think women managers have achieved parity with men, this isn't true. The glass (some say concrete) ceiling still exists in many places. So, if you're a minority, consider how this is affecting your advancement chances. Don't be bitter, but do get busy. It may be time to get out and find something better.
