
被提请撤销缓刑、假释的社区矫正对象可能逃跑或者可能发生社会危险的,社区矫正机构可以在提出撤销缓刑、假释建议的同时,提请人民法院决定对其予以逮捕。人民法院应当在四十八小时内作出是否逮捕的决定。决定逮捕的,由公安机关执行。逮捕后的羁押期限不得超过十五日。( )

A. 对
B. 错


对于在考验期限内犯新罪或者发现判决宣告以前还有其他罪没有判决的,应当由审理该案件的人民法院撤销缓刑、假释,并口头通知原审人民法院和执行地社区矫正机构。( )

A. 对
B. 错

人民法院拟撤销缓刑、假释的,可以听取社区矫正对象的申辩及其委托的律师的意见。( )

A. 对
B. 错

监狱管理机关对暂予监外执行的社区矫正对象决定收监执行的,监狱应当立即将社区矫正对象收监执行。( )

A. 对
B. 错

Fillin the blanks with appropriate word or words given below: appreciate, compared with, conclude some transactions, profit , allowance, acceptance, advantage, opened up, demand , offering, counter-offer, it is understood that, for your information, have no alternative but toDear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of June 21 ________us your silk blouses.To be frank with you, we like your silk blouses, but your prices appear to be on the high side as _______________ those of other makes. ________________________________ to accept the prices you quoted would leave us little or no margin of___________on our sales. As you know Kuwait is a developing country, its principal ___________ is for articles in the medium price range.We _____________your prompt response to our enquiry and would like to take this opportunity to _______________________________ with you. We would, therefore, suggest that you make some _______________, say 10% on your quoted prices so as to enable us to introduce your products to our customers. However, if you cannot do so, then we shall __________________________________ leave the business as it is._______________________, some parcels from Hong Kong have been sold here at a much lower price. We hope you will consider our _______________ favorably and let us have your __________________ by telex. It may interest you to know that once you have _____________________a market here, you would have every ___________________of developing a beneficial trade in the Gulf.Yours sincerely,
