
TranslationTranslate the follow paragraph into English.苏州园林是中国古典园林最杰出的代表, 大部分为私家所有。苏州园林始于春秋,兴于宋元,盛于明清。清末苏州已有各色园林170余处,为其赢得了“园林之城”的称号。现保存完好的园林有60多处,对外开放的有十余处。其中沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园和留园分别代表着宋、元、明、清四个朝代的艺术风格,被称为“苏州四大名园”。苏州园林宅园合一,可赏,可游,可居,其建筑规制反映了中国古代江南民间的生活方式和礼仪习俗。苏州园林不仅是历史文化的产物,同时也是中国传统思想文化的载体。1997年,苏州园林被联合国教科文组织列入“世界遗产名录”。


WritingWrite an argumentative essay of no less than 200 words on the following topic. The topic has an outline that you can follow.Tорic:Should we have national parks?Introduction:National parks are necessary in that they can protect the variety of species and help us learn about the environmentBody:1. First counter-argument: Wild areas should not be disturbedFirst rebuttal: The establishment of national parks aims to provide a safe home for native plants anc animals.2. Second counter-argument: Exploration of the national parks is damaging to the environment.Second rebuttal: Reasonable exploration of the national parks can not only protect biodiversity, but also help people learn more about the environment.Conclusion:We should make good use of national parks to protect plants and animals and help people to know more about the environment.


A. 对
B. 错


A. 业务拜访
B. 亲友间的拜访
C. 礼貌拜访
D. 辞任拜访

拜访前的准备工作有( )

A. 约定时间和地点
B. 出发前准备
C. 提前5分钟到达
D. 检查穿着与仪容
