What is the Greshams Law according to the passage?
A. Coins with a higher content of silver drove the coins with a lower content of silver out of circulation.
B. Good money was kept and "bad money" was used in exchange.
C. Bad money should be melted down.
D. Good money has a higher face value.
A. 原发性B细胞缺陷
B. 重症联合免疫缺陷
C. 原发性补体缺陷
D. 遗传性血管神经性水肿
E. 多发性骨髓瘤
A. 滤泡性腺癌
B. 乳头状腺癌
C. 鳞癌
D. 髓样癌
E. 腺癌
A. 国家参考实验室
B. 动物疫病研究机构
C. 省级动物卫生监督机构
D. 省级动物疫病预防控制机构
E. 省级人民政府兽医主管部门