
党的十八大以来,我国生态文明建设的成绩有:生态文明理念日益深入人心,( )。

A. 污染治理力度之大前所未有
B. 制度出台频度之密前所未有
C. 监管执法尺度之严前所未有
D. 环境质量改善速度之快前所未有


必须坚持( )为主的方针,坚定不移走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化,建设望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁的美丽中国。

A. 节约优先
B. 合理开发
C. 保护优先
D. 自然恢复

在一些生态环境资源丰富又相对贫困的地区,要通过改革创新,让土地、劳动力、资产、 自然风光等要素活起来,让( ),把绿水青山蕴含的生态产品价值转化为金山银山。

A. 资源变资产
B. 资金变股金
C. 农民变股东
D. 农村变景点

Find the words and phrases in Paragraph 3 with the following meanings.1. trade fairs and shows ____________2. promotional price reductions _____________3. featuring a product in a film or TV program ___________________4. publicity material delivered to homes _______________5. communicating with the press _________________6. selling to customers over the phone _______________________

Look at the examples of verb + noun collocations from the text and then complete the collocations below with the following verbs and nouns.1. to target a(n) ____________2. to ___________ a new campaign3. to _________an advertisement in the press4. to ____________a sports event5. to project a(n) _____________6. to endorse a(n) __________________7. to ________________ a commercial
