
In every cultivated language, there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words(1)which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we(2),that is to say, from the(3) of our own family and from our familiar associates, and(4) we should know and use (5 )we could not read or write. They (6) the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who (7) the language. Such words may be called“popular”, since they belong to the people (8) and are not the exclusive (9) of a limited class. On the other hand, our language (10) a multitude of words which are comparatively (11) used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little (12) to use them at home or in the market-place. Our (13) acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's (14) or from the talk of our school-mates, (15) from books that we read, lectures that we (16) ,or the more (17)conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular (18) n a style appropriately elevated above the habitual(19) f everyday life. Such words are called“learned”, and the (20) between them and the“popular”words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process. 请在13处填上正确答案()

A. primary
B. first
C. principal
D. prior


某建设单位准备建一座图书馆,建筑面积为5000m2,预算投资400万元,建设工期为10个月。工程采用公开招标的方式确定承包商。按照《招标投标法》和《建筑法》的规定,建设单位编制了招标文件,并向当地的建设行政管理部门提出了招标申请书,得到了批准。 建设单位依照有关招标投标程序进行公开招标。 由于该工程在设计上比较复杂,根据当地建设局的建议,对参加投标单位的主体要求是最低不得低于二级资质。 拟参加此次投标的五家单位中A、B、D单位为二级资质,C单位为三级资质,E单位为一级资质,而C单位的法定代表人是建设单位某主要领导的亲戚,建设单位招标工作领导小组在资格预审时出现了分歧,正在犹豫不决时,C单位拟准备组成联合体投标,经C单位的法定代表人的私下活动,建设单位同意让C与A联合承包工程,并明确向A暗示,如果不接受这个投标方案,则该工程的中标将授予B单位。A为了获得该项工程,同意了与C联合承包该工程,并同意将停车楼交给C单位施工。于是A和C联合投标获得成功。A与建设单位签订了建设工程施工合同,A与C也签订了联合承包工程的协议。 从上述背景资料来看,A和C组成的投标联合体是否有效,为什么?

In every cultivated language, there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words(1)which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we(2),that is to say, from the(3) of our own family and from our familiar associates, and(4) we should know and use (5 )we could not read or write. They (6) the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who (7) the language. Such words may be called“popular”, since they belong to the people (8) and are not the exclusive (9) of a limited class. On the other hand, our language (10) a multitude of words which are comparatively (11) used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little (12) to use them at home or in the market-place. Our (13) acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's (14) or from the talk of our school-mates, (15) from books that we read, lectures that we (16) ,or the more (17)conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular (18) n a style appropriately elevated above the habitual(19) f everyday life. Such words are called“learned”, and the (20) between them and the“popular”words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process. 请在14处填上正确答案()

A. tips
B. mouth
C. lips
D. tongue


一般资料:张某,女性,19岁,大学一年级学生。 案例介绍:张某上大学近一年来,学习认真,成绩良好,很乐于助人,人际关系良好,是班里的团支部副书记。张某平常非常爱干净,内、外衣服每日要换洗,枕巾、床单、被单等也要每日一换。为此耽误了许多时间,也把自己搞得很累。同学的衣服或鞋子脏了,也要不厌其烦地反复提醒其换洗。自己也觉得其实没有必要,但不这样做心里很不舒服,害怕有什么脏东西,害怕自己会得病,和同学讲过其实自己也很痛苦。本学期开始后不知因为什么原因,张某好像情绪非常低落,自己经常悄悄地流泪,整日不说话。偶尔与同学讲几句话,同学反映她好像脑子不听使唤了,回答一个问题要想半天,还听不懂她在说什么。慢慢地不讲究了,有时甚至不洗漱,有时白天睡觉,有时晚上失眠,因此无法上课。近一个多月来总和同学说自己的某个器官丢了,别人都看见自己没有这个器官了,但自己看不见。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:张某目前休学在家,由父母带来就诊。张某的父母都是医生,从小对她的要求严格,非常在意她的卫生情况,她按家长的要求,每日换洗衣服。若脏了必定重新清洗,觉得一尘不染了才罢手。张某从小对医学感兴趣,大致了解生理、解剖学等知识。关于器官丢失问题,家长多次解释,但张某坚信不疑。经了解张某没有受到过什么重大打击。张某目前的心理健康水平属于()。

A. 心理健康
B. 心理不健康
C. 心理正常
D. 心理不正常
