通货膨胀对房地产投资只有负面影响,没有正面影响。 ()
税法中规定的有关固定资产投资回收或折旧年限,是根据房地产的寿命周期确定的。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
在招标工程交底及答疑时,开发商应该向投标人介绍工程概况、明确质量要求、交待工程标底。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
不论投资的风险是高还是低,只要同样投资的期望收益相同,那么无论选择何种投资途径都是合理的。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
'The people were evacuated but there is no, they aren't underwater, but they're fight behind the dyke. And if the dyke were to go, they wouldn’t have time to get out. '
The Minnesota River is one of its several in the state of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota that has run out of its banks because of the melting snow and heavy rain during the past week. President Clinton has declared many counties in all three states fatal disaster areas and flooding is expected to continue for a few more weeks as last winter’s record snowfall continues to melt. Michael Leland VOA news Chicago."
What caused the Minnesota River to run out of its bank?
A. The heavy snowfall.
B. The melting snow and heavy rain.
C. The tropical storm.
D. The dike has been destroyed.