A. B品牌
B. D品牌
C. A品牌
D. C品牌
Lesson 6 aerodrome information 填空-1[音频]______, can you accept Runway 09 Left,_______ 250 feet?
Lesson 6 aerodrome information 拓展 填空-3[音频]Qantas 55 be advised of_________in progress to the left of Runway 27
Lesson 6 aerodrome information-拓展-2 填空-3[音频]Approach: EZ250, heavy rain and __________ reported. Caution__________ on short final.
Lesson 6 aerodrome information 拓展 填空-2[音频]Coastal 34,caution,_____ reported ______the threshold of Runway 27