
听力原文:Everybody loves the swimming pool. But how clean is the water in the average backyard or public pool? If you trust chlorine to take care of germs, you're in for a surprise. Chlorine and other disinfectants do indeed help to clean the water, but some germs can survive in even the best-kept pool. For example, cryptosporidium may live in pool water for several days. Crypto causes a diarrheal illness and may rinse off the bodies of infected people or diapered children into the pool. If you swallow infected pool water, you may become sick. Other germs may live for a few minutes or a few hours in a chlorinated pool: Giardia, Shigella, and E. Coli may cause diarrheal illnesses. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa may cause an ear infection called swimmer's ear and also a skin infection called "hot tub rash", that is usually associated with very warm pools and spas. While keeping the correct chlorine and PH levels will minimize water-borne illness, prevention is also a good idea.Keep diapered children in the water for only brief periods and keep sick people out of the water altogether. And, don't ever swallow pool water.
According to the passage, how long may Cryptosporidium live in pool water?

A. Several seconds.
B. Several minutes.
C. Several hours.
D. Several days.


Formosan Union Chemical Located in Taiwan.

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn't say

听力原文:Some fuel or oil additives can be a problem for engines and fuel systems. Additives displace protective chemicals in gasoline and engine oil; some may corrode fuel pumps or gas tanks, or make flexible fuel hoses and fittings brittle. Instead of enhancing engine life and economy, users might shorten their car's life.
Users might shorten their car's life by using some fuel or oil additives which cause engines and fuel systems such problems as displacement of protective chemicals in gasoline and engine oil and corrosion of fuel pumps or gas tanks.

A. 正确
B. 错误

They are trying to soil a product to Chemex.

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn't say

听力原文:Iraq's interim constitution says that Islamic law may serve as a source for legislation, though it will not be the law's main underpinning as some religious conservatives had hoped.A bill of rights similar to that in America guarantees the right to free speech and freedom of religion.
Even with a bill of rights, Iraq's new constitution is primarily based on Islamic codes.

A. 正确
B. 错误
