

A. The man's telephone number is 647-0547.
B. The man' s telephone number is 603-0547.
C. The man was scheduled to meet the doctor at 8:15 a.m. Thursday.
D. The man was scheduled to meet the doctor at 8:00 a.m. Thursday.



A. He hurt his knees when a tall ladder fell on him.
B. He injured his ankle when he fell from a ladder.
C. He sprained his hand when he fell off the roof of his house.
D. His foot has a paint can on because he likes painting the house.

Question 12-15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A. He is early for classes.
B. He has an accident on the road.
C. He always make troubles.
D. He makes a complaint.


A. He is late for classes too often.
B. He has missed too many classes.
C. He has failed in the exam again.
D. He is a trouble maker at school.


A. 1.“风来了,猪都会飞!”但即使作为猪,你也要知道风什么时候来?如何才能恰如其分的跳入吧?没找到风口,就无从飞起,跳早了或跳晚了都会摔死,而通过行业分析,我们可以知道风什么时候来。
B. 洞察分析的方法,其包括:PEST分析、SWOT分析、二象限分析、IPO模型等
C. 宏观的产业链整合是企业与企业间的整合。而微观的产业链整合是对企业部门的精细化生产的一种提高。
D. 打造一体化的产业链,不能带来一系列立竿见影的效果,“利益共享、风险共担”,将导致合作对象的不信任,最终失败
