A. Provisionofadviceonthehealthandwelfareofprotectedanimals
B. Notificationofthepersonallicenseholderorprovisionofcareforanimalswhosehealthgivescauseforconcern
C. ProvisionofadvicetolicenseesonthethreeRs
A. Provision of veterinary care to protected animals
B. Maintenance of health records
Certification of fitness for travel or discharge
D. Participation in the ERP
In the Animal Welfare Act (2006, UK), the 5 welfare needs are:
A. Need for a suitable environment
B. Need for a suitable diet
C. Need to be able to exhibit normal behavior patterns (such as exercise)
D. Need to be housed with, or apart, from other animals; need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease
The famous British animal welfare scholar John Webster's "Five Freedoms" of animal welfares refer to:
A. freedom from thirst and hunger
B. freedom from discomfort
C. freedom from pain, injury, and disease
D. freedom to express most normal behavior; freedom from fear and distress
The famous British animal welfare scholar John Webster's "Three Principles" for animal welfares refer to:
A. living a natural life
B. being fit and healthy
C. being happy
D. all the above