
A.They experienced the Great Depression.B.They preferred spending money to saving mone

A. They experienced the Great Depression.
B. They preferred spending money to saving money in the bank.
C. They spent most of their money on housing.
D. They had much more free time than their children.


听力原文: Chicago
Motorola, the American electronics manufacturer, is to cut an extra 4,000 jobs in a move to trim costs. It's been losing ground to arch-rival Nokia in the intensely competitive global market for mobile phones. Competition between rival manufacturers is cutting throat in the extreme. There are four big mobile phone makers: Nokia, the market leader, Sony Ericsson, Samsung and Motorola. Currently Motorola is seen as the weakest with relatively high costs and few snazzy new models. The company had already announced 3,500 job cuts. Now it's slashing another 4,000 posts. It's part of a restructuring program intended to trim operating costs by a billion dollars. The company says its number one priority is restoring profits, not gaining market share at any price.
In an interview ahead of this week's G8 summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to point Russian missiles towards Europe for the first time since the end of the Cold War, if the United States builds a defense shield in Eastern Europe. He then went on to accuse the West of hypocrisy in criticizing Russia's human rights record. Responding to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he said the United States is the main violator of freedoms and human rights around the world and he added that France, Germany and Britain have problems of their own. Finally he accused Britain of foolishness in trying to extradite a former KGB officer for the murder of Alexander Litvinenko.
Migrants applying for Australian citizenship will have to know about the traditions of indigenous people and the colors of the nation's flag to pass new citizenship tests. Sport is also likely to feature prominently, along with geography and politics. Prospective citizens won't have to absorb long lists of facts and figures. The government does, however, want them to have a decent grasp of what customs and values make this country tick. The Prime Minister, John Howard, has said the tests will promote social harmony and integration. Those who fail will be able to resit the quiz. Critics believe the measures will discriminate against migrants with low levels of literacy and for whom English is not their first language.
The World Bank's president Paul Wolfowitz is facing calls for his resignation after it was revealed that a promotion was awarded to his girlfriend. When Mr. Wolfowitz took over the presidency of the bank, his partner, Shaha Riza, was an employee. The World Bank Staff Association claims that she received preferential treatment and was given a large salary increase and a promotion. Even before this crisis, Mr. Wolfowitz's leadership of the hank had been highly controversial. He clashed frequently with insiders who regarded his management style. and his policies as unacceptable, in particular, his insistence that bank help for poor nations be tied in future to their willingness to root out corruption.
"Don't forget India's farmers." That was the message Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had for the Indian business community at a conference held in Mumbai. Speaking at an industry conference, the Indian leader addressed some of India's most powerful and influential businessmen. He told them the plight of the poor shouldn't be forgotten whilst making profits. India's economic growth has created wealth for many in India's cities. But that wealth has yet to trickle down to Indian villages where over sixty percent of Indians live. Millions of India's farmers still live on less than two dollars a day.
6.Which of the following is true about Motorola?
7.What was Russian President Putin's response to America's missile shield plan in East Europe?
8.What is the requirement for migrants applying for Australian citizenship?
9.Which of the following prompted Wolfowitz~s possible resignation from the presidency of the World Bank?

A. It will recruit 4,000 new employees.
B. It will slash more jobs to reduce costs.
C. It takes the lead in its competition against Nokia.
D. Its new mobile phone models are selling well on the market.

听力原文:W: My guest today is the artist, Alan Carey, who over the last thirty years has established himself as one of the country's leading sculptors, making a range of fascinating objects out of metal, stone and other materials. Alan, welcome.
M: Hello.
W: But you don't come from an artistic background, do you, Alan?
M: Oh, absolutely not. If my father had had anything to do with it, I'd never have gone in for sculpture because he was an accountant and ideally he wanted me to join his finn, or if not, go into insurance or banking. But none of these ideas appealed to me, I'm afraid. I'd been doing sculpture as a hobby through my teenage years and, although my parents encouraged me in that, it didn't seem like a prospective career at the time, at least not to my father.
W: But he got a sculptor to look at your work at one point, didn't he?
M: Oddly enough, yes. We went to see a man who taught sculpture in a big London art school who said, "Well, let's have a look at the work", and this chap looked at it and said to my father, "Your son will never be any good, you know", and my father was rather relieved and said to me, "You see, you can do it as a hobby". And then, when we got home he said, "Well, what do you want to do?" and I didn't know … engineering? … architecture? I considered various things, even geology, but finally, in the end, after I’d got a maths degree, I said, "What I really want to do is sculpture, you know" and he said, "Well, you'd better do it then."
W: So, he gave in in the end?
M: He did. But I'm glad it happened that way, that I had to struggle to do it, because he made me dedicate myself to sculpture and do the job properly. He had the idea that art was for amateurs, and that was the one thing that I did not want to be. I wanted to do it as a professional. I knew he was wrong, so I set out to prove it. And, you know, I'm sure that if I had joined his firm, I'd have done it in a half-hearted way which he wouldn't have approved of anyway. And I must say, after I'd decided to become a sculptor, he couldn't have been more supportive.
W: And so you went on to Art College. Did you enjoy it?
M: At the beginning, I appreciated it a lot because we had a different teacher every term. This meant you got a good grounding in the basics because you picked up different things from each one. You know, it might be the material they worked in, for example, or their technique, or whatever. But eventually I got fairly restless because it was a five-year course and by about half-way through I was getting a bit fed up because it was extremely traditional in terms of approach and I was looking for something more out of the ordinary.
W: So this was what led you to Harold Morton?
M: Yes, he was the most advanced sculptor of the time, and he was really doing very different things which I found exciting. And so I sent him some photos of my work, on the off-chance, and amazingly he offered me a part-time job and so I managed to combine that with the final years of college, which made all the difference.
W: And how would you sum up that experience, what did you get out of it?
M: Well, we talked about art a lot. He taught me that a sculptor's studio is quite different from an art college. I had to do drawing at college, a subject I never really understood, and when I got back, he would criticise what I'd done. And from him, I learnt how a sculptor draws, because I was being taught by painters, who are looking at things in a different way.
W: And I suppose it was thanks to him that you started doing abstract art?
M: Well, yes it was, because I don't do sculptures of people or animals, they are not meant to be lifelike. So they are examples of what, I suppose, you'd call abstract art. They are meant to mean something, to make you think.
11.What did Alan's father do?
12.Which degree did Alan get first?
13.Which statement is true about Alan and his father?
14.Which stat

A. Sculptor.
B. Accountant.
C. Banker.
D. Insurance agent.

DeCasper found that newborns choose the recording of their mother's voice over that of another woman's. The baby, however, has no innate interest in his father's voice, which is heard in the womb only from time to time, while the mother's voice is ever present. Within two weeks after birth, however, the baby can recognize Dad's voice too. A newborn is even attuned to the cadence and rhythm of his native language. In a French study using a setup similar to DeCasper’s, French babies given the choice between French and Russian words responded more to the sound of French.
Brian Satt, a research specialist in clinical psychology, has parents sing a lullaby-like "womb song" to their babies. The unborn baby often develops a specific, consistent movement pattern when its song is sung. According to Satt, most parents can calm a fussy newborn with the song most of the time, which is a prize worth more than rubies to a new parent.
He is roused by a heavy jolt. His mother has tripped and fallen heavily on one hip. He is much too well cushioned to experience any injury, but her pain and the fear that she may have hurt him floods both their bodies with adrenaline and other stress-related hormones. He cries and kicks vigorously, a cry never heard because there is no air to make sound. As she recovers the stress hormones ebb away, and he calms down too.
Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the unborn baby in the passage.'?

An unborn baby can occasionally hear his father's voice.
B. DeCasper's approach proved absolutely effective in a French experiment.
C. An unborn baby is able to identify the tone and rhythm of his native language.
D. Parents are able to soothe a fussy newly-born baby.

The damaging effects of influenza can be prevented by immunization, but constant changes of antigenic specificity of the virus necessitate a different composition of the vaccine (疫苗) from one year to another. The network of WHO surveillance activities to monitor the evaluation of influenza vi- ms strains, and WHO hold an annual consultation at the end of February to recommend the composition of the vaccine for the forthcoming epidemiological season. These recommendations are published immediately in the weekly epidemiological record.
Vaccination each year against influenza is recommended for certain high-risk populations. In closed or semi-closed settings, maximum-benefit from immunization is likely to be achieved when more than three-quarters of the population are vaccinated so that the benefit of "herd immunity" can be exploited. Special care should be taken of the following groups:
--adults and children with chronic disorders of the pulmonary or cardiovascular systems requiting regular medical follow-up or who had been hospitalized during the previous year, including children with asthma;
--residents of nursing homes and other establishments for patients of any age with chronic medical conditions;
--all people over the age of 65.
Physicians, nurses, and other personal in primary and intensive care units, who are potentially capable of transmitting influenza to high risk persons, should be immunized; visiting nurses and volunteer workers providing home care to high-risk persons should also be included.
This passage ______.

A. concerns the damaging effects of influenza
B. mentions the steps of fighting against the harmful effects of influenza
C. emphasizes the worry expressed by all age groups
D. both A and B
