
以12种动物轮流当班。中国人认为,相应年份出生的人都有自己的特殊品质The 12 animals finish a cycle every 12 years and each of them ____ one year. Chinese believe that those who are born in a certain year would ____ of the animal guarding that year.


老鼠代表智慧,牛代表勤奋。老虎代表勇猛兔子代表谨慎。龙代表富贵,蛇代表浪漫。Rats are ____ and cattle are ____. Tigers are courageous and rabbits are ____. Dragons are rich and ____, and snakes are ____.

马代表速度,羊代表真诚。猴子代表灵活,鸡代表美丽。狗代表忠诚,猪代表随和。你了解你自己的属相吗?Horses are fast and a sheep are ____. Monkeys are smart and flexible while chickens are endowed with beauty. Dogs are ____ and pigs are ____. Do you know what your symbolic animal denoting the year of your birth?

在中国云南省有一个民族叫傣族。他们有一个盛大的节日叫泼水节。The Dai ____ lives in south-eastern china’s Yunnan Province. Each year they hold a ____ festival called the Water-Splashing Festival (po shui jie)

节日的一大早,人们会穿上盛装唱歌跳舞互相泼洒水。要是被泼得浑身湿透,可千万不要生气,因为他代表着祝福。People dressed in beautiful clothes sing dance and ____ water on each other on the morning of the festival. Don’t get angry if you are drenched; it ____ a blessing.
