
The theory of Perfectionism states that in order to have a good life one must realize certain genetically-based, species-specific potentials. In other words, the animal must be able to express its ________ in order for the animal to live a good life.


The Three Rs concept originated from the scientific community and is a widely accepted ____________ of policies on animal-based science around the world. Ethical animal use requires consideration of animal welfare needs.

In the 3Rs, whereas Replacement and Reduction have to be considered primarily in the planning phase of an experiment, ____________ has primarily to be implemented when handling the animal in practice.

In the 3R principles, replacementreferstomethodsthatavoidusinganimals.Thetermincludesabsolutereplacements(i.e.,replacinganimalswithinanimatesystemssuchascomputerprograms)aswellasrelativereplacements(i.e.,replacinganimalssuchasvertebrateswithanimalsthatareloweronthe_______________scale).

In the 3R principles, reduction involves strategies for obtaining comparable levels of information from the use of fewer animals or for maximizing the information obtained from a given number of animals (without increasing pain or distress) so that in the long run _______ animals are needed to acquire the same scientific information.
