A. intravenousanesthetics (barbiturates commonly used) administration
B. inhalant (isoflurane,sevoflurane,CO2,N2, & CO commonly used) administration
C. cervicaldislocation — breakingorfracturingoftheneck
D. intracardiacorintraperitonealinjection of pentobarbital&shooting using firearms or captiveboltgun
The reasons for animal euthanasia are:
A. terminal illness, e.g. cancer or rabies
B. Illness or accident that is not terminal but would cause suffering for the animal to live with, or when the owner cannot afford, or when the owner has a moral objection to the treatment
C. A hunters coup de grâce (mercy killing) or behavioral problems (usually ones that cannot be corrected) e.g. aggression - canines that have usually caused grievous bodily harm to either humans or other animals through mauling are usually seized and euthanized ('destroyed' in British legal terms)
D. old age and deterioration leading to loss of major bodily functions, resulting in severe impairment of the quality of life, lack of home or caretaker, or research & testing – in the course of scientific research or testing, animals may be euthanized in order to be dissected, to prevent suffering after testing, to prevent the spread of disease, or other reasons
Which of the following statements about theAnimal Welfare Act (US) are correct?
A. On Aug 24 1966, the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act (P.89-544) was signed into law. The Act sets minimum standards of care and housing for dogs, cats, primates, rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs in the premises of animal dealers and laboratories, and it requires identification of dogs and cats to prevent theft. Dealers must be licensed and laboratories must be registered.
B. Animals covered under this Act include any live or dead cat, dog, hamster, rabbit, nonhuman primate, guinea pig, and any other warm-blooded animal determined by the Secretary of Agriculture for research, pet use or exhibition.
C. Excluded from the Act are birds, rats of the genus Rattus (laboratory rats), mice of the genus Mus (laboratory mice), farm animals, & all cold-blooded animals.
D. On Dec 24 1970, Congress amends the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act (P.91-579), renamed the Animal Welfare Act, extending protection to all warm-blooded animals in laboratories.
OnApril 22, 1976,theUSCongresspassedanamendmenttobroadentheAnimalWelfareAct(P.L.94-279)soasto,amongotherthings:
A. regulatecarriers,intermediatehandlersandanimalbrokers,soastorequireadherencetohumanestandards
B. specifythatalldogs—includingdogsforhunting,securityorbreedingpurposes—beprotected
C. requireaveterinarian'scertificateforanimalsininterstatetransport
D. requireallfederalagencies—includingtheArmy,AirForceandNationalInstitutesofHealth—usinglaboratoryanimalstoshowtheyfullycomplywiththeAct
Which of the following statements about the Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act (ISLAA) are correct?
A. On Dec 23 1985, the Food Security Act (P.99-198), an omnibus farm bill, is adopted into law.
B. ISLAA is an amendment to the AWA, intended to minimize the pain and distress of animals in the laboratory.
C. It establishes an information service in the National Agricultural Library, in cooperation with the National Library of Medicine, to provide data on alternatives to animals in research, help prevent unintended duplication of experiments and tests, and supply information to institutions for training scientists and other personnel in humane practices, as required by the new law.
D. The Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals Act (ISLAA) is included within the Food Security Act.