
How is "Argumnetation" defined?

As an aspect of human cognition
B. As an aspect of human communication
C. As the process of critical thinking
D. As an aspect of study


What are the basic concepts underlying argumentation?

A. argument
B. rebutting argument
C. undercutting argument
D. counterargument
E. proponent and audience

"Argument" can be understood as ().

A. a set of assumptions
B. the support
C. the premises

Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows.Match each part with the right main idea.

若 函数在某点处不可导,则:

A. 函数在某点处极限存在。
B. 函数在该点处微分不存在。
C. 函数在某点处连续。
D. 函数在某点处不连续。
