A. 提示胸腔积液排放到一定程度,肺已开始复张,抽液需要谨慎,必要时停止操作
B. 鼓励咳嗽,以利于进一步排净胸腔积液
C. 给予镇咳药物,继续抽取液体
D. 让患者平卧位,继续抽取液体
E. 提示伤及肺,引起气胸
The maximum amount of thoracic liquid can be withdrawn in one time is
A. 500ml
B. 1000ml
C. 2000ml
D. 3000ml
E. 5000ml
Which patients have high risk of tension pneumothorax during the toracentesis
A. patients with severe hemodynamic comprmise
B. patients with severe resiratory comprmise
C. patients receving mechanical ventilation
D. patients with small effusions
E. patients with spontaneous pneumothorax histoy
A. 气胸
B. 血胸
C. 复张性肺水肿
D. 胸膜反应
E. 过敏性休克
A. 吸氧
B. 利尿
C. 糖皮质激素
D. 机械通气
E. 0.1%肾上腺素0.3~0.5ml皮下注射