
Which of the following is an example of selection device reliability()

An applicant was given very different interview scores by five independent interviewers
B. An applicant was given the same interview score by all five independent interviewers
C. An applicant took a test a second time and her score improved markedly
D. An applicant took a test once and scored higher than any other applicant


This term describes an electric shaver company that carefully observes its competitor’s production line to look for ways to improve its own manufacturing process()

A. trademarking
B. benchmarking
C. quality engineering
D. reverse marketing

If employment planning shows a large surplus of employees, management may want to__()

A. recruit
B. downsize
C. expand
D. continue with current employment levels

Which of the following is NOT a reason for managers to plan()

A. to give direction to an organization
B. to deal with change
C. to establish goals
D. to establish responsibility for mistakes

The first step in any employment planning process involves making a__()

A. job description
B. human resource inventory
C. product evaluation
D. job specification
