The actual reasons for becoming a workaholic are quite varied. It might involve a need in someone to always stay a step ahead of their co-workers or anyone else they perceive as a competitive threat. It could be a desire to never leave the office at night without tying up any loose ends such as returning an email, writing a memo or getting a package out. It might be a single-minded commitment to being successful, gaining promotion after promotion, no matter what the cost.
Workaholics Anonymous—a "fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from work holism"—lists 20 questions to ask yourself if you think you may be a workaholic, including whether you get more excited about work than anything else and work more than 40 hours per week.viscusi said a good indication that you're a workaholic is if you are constantly electronically connected to the office, whether by cell phone, BlackBerry or laptop.
Workaholism’s effects on the family can be devastating, Viscusi said, with the consequences eventually manifesting themselves, as they would with any other addiction, in broken marriages and broken homes. Brian Robinson, a professor at the University of North Carolina, told "20/20" in 1999 that children of workaholics developed the same disorders as children of alcoholics, such as depression and anxiety, that crippled them later in life.
Viscusi offered the following tips for workaholics trying to make a change. Don't take on every project. Don't say yes to everyone. Learn the art of saying "I can't handle any more." Also, doesn't it seem like exercise is good for everything? It is recommended as part of every self-help regime— well, this is no difference. Exercise and yoga help you, and it's the hardest place to get any workdone. No cell phones allowed! Similar to a hobby, doing something without asking for any payment in return lets you focus on something other than work or your job. It can give you a different perspective and a different way to meet new people.
Which one of the following is NOT mentioned as reasons for workaholic?